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Phone: (949) 664-3001


Value Life Foundation (VLF) is established in Claremont, California, USA on January 2002 as a nonprofit, public benefit corporation. It is organized under the nonprofit public benefit corporation law for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes.

Our US Federal Tax # is: 68-0493506

Our Vision & Mission

At VLF, we believe that human life is created with inherent value and purpose. We strive to reduce and eliminate poverty, disease, ignorance, illiteracy, and whatever devalues human lives worldwide. VLF cooperates with individuals and organizations that share this vision. VLF’s founders have lived both here and abroad, which gives our institution an edge in vision, information, and public relations.

VLF’s mission is two fold: relief and social development. VLF’s human relief mission is to help the needy, especially those suffering from hardships and disasters. The social development mission on the other hand is aimed at structuring and implementing programs that provide needed tools of awareness and education in order to make significant long-term impact on local communities and else where. To accomplish the above objectives, we raise funds by soliciting donations from the public. VLF’s founding directors are multicultural, thus facilitating a wider and more versatile network of donors.

Value Life Fund Programs

In Value Life foundation two types of programs are structured and implemented: Human Relief Program (HRP) and Social Development Programs (SDP). The HRPs involve assisting needy victims in hardships or tragedies. Assistance can be in the form of food supplies, medical aid, shelter, and clothing. The SDPs however cover social and educational services. VLF specializes in helping children, the elderly, the homeless, and the illiterate. Programs are carried out through the following projects:


  • Needy Families (NF)
  • Orphan Support (OS)


  • Know Government Aid Programs (KGAP)
  • Support Needy Students (SNS)

Orphan Support

In this project, donations are collected to support orphans that have no care taker . This project will allow the donors to have a special relationship with the supported orphans. For more information on the OS, contact VLF.